Wednesday, May 18, 2011

First My Pituitary and Now This?

Last night at the salon, my Stylist (the single most awesome stylist in the world) parted my hair, gasped and stood back. Then she said, "What is going on up here?!".
Listen this is not something you want to hear.Ok?
I said "WHAT?!?" and she pointed out that my hair is thinning. Significantly thinner than the last time I saw her 6 weeks ago. Suddenly, a few things went "click" inside my head because the next thing she said was "When this happens to my clients, it's usually their Thyroid."
Ummm. Ok.
Now, the mild to moderate persistent depression, the chronic fatigue, the fuzzy headedness, the terribly difficult time I have been having accomplishing anything for months on end? Now it all kind of fits.
 My thyroid.
Because I have been struggling for awhile now. Really and truly drowning under the weight ( no pun intended) of my own person. I am tired ALL OF THE TIME. I am really and truly forgetful and having a hard time concentrating. I am irritable. Weight coming on that I can't explain. I am experiencing some depression. Erratic sleep.  It's been like this since just after we got Liam's referral. I have been blaming myself. I have fallen into the trap of thinking that because I am overweight I don't have the right to complain about low energy levels. I have just slipped farther and farther down the rabbit hole of self loathing and depression- all  due to feeling guilty about my weight. I have been caught in this vicious cycle and I want out. And I keep thinking that the next day will get better but it doesn't. I just wake up more tired, more beat down, more listless and less like myself.
And then Estrea says my hair is thinning and she says thyroid and I could have face palmed myself!
Maybe there is an underlying cause. Maybe, just maybe I can get a little help.
But now I am afraid. Very afraid. What if it ISN"T my thyroid?
What if I am just a thin haired, overweight depressed bitchy woman and that's it. The sum of me at 37.

Well tomorrow I go for some blood-work and we shall see what that says and then I will know. I am either suffering from hypothyroidism or I am a complete and utter depressed hypochondriac. Jeez I hope it's the diseased thyroid because the alternative is shite.

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