Saturday, July 23, 2011

Going To the Mattresses- In More Ways Than One

Well, I have incredible timing, no one can ever dispute that fact. We moved here and Les had two weeks off, then he started work and it was a slow start so he was home plenty. Then he actually had to, you know, work. And that was about the time that I decided to fold beach towels. And the folding of the beach towels ended up seriously pulling my lower back.
That was 6 days ago.
I have been confined to the couch and taking partial showers for 6 days.
I have been living on large doses of Motrin and making it through with alot of teeth gritting.
Also? It's been hot as Hades, so you know, sitting on the hot couch and not being able to shower has worked out well. We are not even going to discuss the state of my unshaven legs, we're just not. I sort of have this whole " I Was a Middle Aged, Twisted Up, Werewolf" thing going on.
Well, I am almost better. A couple more days of taking it easy should do the trick.
The thing is though, I have had to rely heavily on Evelyn. And you know how they say power corrupts?
She's the top of the heap.
I have been struggling to re-assert my own authority these past two days.
It's like a mafia movie. You know how the old Don may have a heart attack or get shot and then the Capo's all start moving in and the old guy has to either take everyone of them out with well placed assassins or in a blood bath?
Yeah. That sort of thing.
God! I love her madly and deeply but she is a control freak. I mean it.
Arbitrary rules, no mercy, unrelentless fussing. And that's just how she's been treating me.
Her help has been invaluable, she has really worked hard to give me a hand and I appreciate it.

I just don't like having my own popsicle intake so closely monitored.  And also she only ever seems to bring me the flavors she doesn't like.

You wouldn't know it just by looking, but this is the face of a power mad popsicle mafiosa.

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