Monday, July 4, 2011

Thirty-nine Looong Years

That's what my Dad would say if you asked him how long he's been married: "Thirty-nine loooong years". And his shoulders would slump dramatically as he tried to pretend that it has seemed long. The twinkle in his eye would give him away though.
It happens to be the same response you would get from my Mom. And instead of her shoulders slumping, she would get a glint in her eye and cast my Dad a hard look.
They aren't fooling anyone though.
I have been around for a majority of those 39 years and I am here to tell you that they have enjoyed nearly every minute of that time.

Without even trying, they taught me what to look for in a marriage. They taught me how to see the good in a relationship, even on the darkest days. They taught me exactly what a wife and husband relationship should look like.

I have seen them struggle through all sorts of difficult times- we are talking about all of those big nasty things life can throw at you, and they held fast.

I have learned amy things about being  a good person and a good wife, just by growing up while they were doing that thing they do so well...

Just being themselves...

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! May you have many, many more years together. 
It sure has been fun being around.

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