We were watching the new Netflix series, Lost in Space, the other night. The five of us all lounging about on various soft surfaces, some of us covered in blankets, some not. Four of us are human, one feline. The title of the show was "Eulogy" and the daughter piped up and asked us what a eulogy was.
We gave her the definition: a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly, typically someone who has just died.
The feline snuggled in so comfortably on my lap for the evening's viewing happens to be a very valued member of this little society. He also happens to be dying of cancer. He is fading fast and soon he will leave the realm of our little world and join the larger cosmos where he can chase baby rabbits and lizards until his heart's delight. For now, however, he is tired and waning and we spend every moment we can making sure that he is assured of his supreme position in the hierarchy of this family.
Why should we wait until someone dies before we decide it is time to pronounce aloud, for the world to hear all of the things that we love about them, the things that we admire, the things that make them special? Maybe we can start changing the very definition of the word eulogy itself to mean something a little different, something that reminds us to cherish those around us just a little bit more, to be a bit kinder, to have a little more patience, to touch more softly, speak more gently and to sit on the couch just a few minutes longer and listen to that precious rattling purr.