Monday, August 29, 2011

Surviving Irene

Well, we did it. We survived.
For the record, we did evacuate for no good reason. Oh ok, if you want to call the "better safe than sorry" mentality a good reason, I'll give you that. Despite all of my lollygagging and complaining that was my ultimate thought- "better safe....and all that jazz."

So, in a sort of homage to refugee life, I am about to lay out the top few things NOT to do in a hurricane induced hotel stay of 72 hours.

*Do not forget a bag of toys for the two year old in your party. This will ultimately be your Doom. Yes. Yes it will.

*Do not forget rain gear. Because? You know? In a hurricane? It (bleeping) rains.

* Do not opt out of the whole , "Should I pack a cooler?" thing. Trust me, you will end up schlepping around in the rain (with no rain gear) re-buying the exact shit you have at home,  in your fridge.

*Do not bypass that Dollar Store trip that you told the 7 year old would happen. She WILL remember and her lamenting a lack of glo sticks over a 72 hour period is only slightly less annoying than having a completely strung out and bored 2 year old.

*Do not forget your razor. Hairy legs are NOT the new black.

*Do not book a hotel room online until you figure out if it is two doors down from a porn den complete with peep shows. This may be tricky but, the driving around Philly with every other family that is fleeing the storm trying to secure a room experience will force you to research more carefully next time.

And that's it. We are back home now, with some yard clean up and no damage.
And toys! There are toys here! And a few glo sticks rattling about the joint. And pillows that don't dissolve with the slightest amount of head pressure.
Ahh home.

1 comment:

  1. really glad you all are safe. you were in my thoughts. also good to see you kept your sense of humor through it all : )
