Monday, April 9, 2012

The Most Important Sign of All

Liam has learned a new sign. It is one that I have been trying and trying to teach him and he just nailed it last week. Its the sign for "family" and I have come to understand that, for a child who has been home with his family for less time than he was without them, for a child that can only express himself through signs or a picture exchange, for a child that may wonder if this situation he's in right now will last, for a child that might wonder sometimes if this is the end of the line, no more changes, no new people....for this child of mine, this was and is the single most important sign.

Family. "Ahm-ee Mom"

It is really a simple word for a such an idea of complexity and permanency and really so important for all adopted children to begin to understand. Your family is your foundation and if you have spent the first part of your life with no family, nothing permanent, no group of people to claim you, no Mama or Papa or Sissy of your very is very difficult to have faith in this new group of people who seem to be be taking care of you and liking you. It is hard for you to comprehend love and family but the start of the realization of  "family" in your heart and bones begins with the word.


 And you know what? He is getting it. He really is. He is using his new sign at very telling times.
Yesterday at our Easter dinner, he looked around at us all, smiling and watching and at last, he called me...
"Yes, Liam?"
"Aahm-ee" (as he makes his new sign)
And he points to each one of us in turn and does this little hand flip of his that means "many" or "all".
And he sat there, smiling big and he looked very pleased with himself but, he also looked happy and relaxed.

This morning, he and his sister stood watching out of the patio doors, watching for a slip of orange fur to make an appearance so they could fuss at him one last time before he (the cat) sat off on his morning rounds. And as they stood there, Liam slowly leaned into his Sissy and wrapped his chubby little arms around her. They stood there like that, close and quiet for a few moments, and then he turned to me, smiled big and made the sign again.


Yes, my sweet boy, we are your family and we will be forever.  

1 comment:

  1. Well, I WAS wearing some eyeliner when I got to work this morning, but it seems to have suddenly melted while I was reading this post (and the Easter one). I miss you guys!
    Aunt Kathryn
