Thursday, July 26, 2012

Two Years

Liam has been with us for two years now. Sometimes I just can't believe it. And then I look at a picture of when we first got home and I can't quite match up that chubby legged little squawker to the brown legged little gun totin' fire cracker we have now and I realize that nothing but time and family could have made that transformation.
It has been an interesting two years. Just having a child in your life that is growing from the age of 21 months to the age of 3 and a half is momentous enough and full of firsts and wondrous events; but when that child is also entering family life for the first time, when he has moved from one country to another, had major surgeries, gained a sister, moved houses..well you can see it all just gets even more amazing and time seems to go all the faster if you are the poor Mama trying to keep track of it all and hold on a bit longer.

I do know that I have been lucky enough to travel to China to meet not one, but two very particular children. Children who have come into my life and given me the only thing I ever really wanted, the chance to be a Mom. I love my little boy. He is exactly the boy we all needed.

So here's to Liam. The boy that makes me smile, the boy that makes me crazy. My sleep walking, gun toting, swashbuckling, sand digging, bike riding, sister aggravating, morning cuddling charmer.

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