Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Well, That's Out of the Way

Today marks one year that Liam has been with us.
Yep. One year under our belts. The first year, the hardest year.
One year ago, we walked into a government building in Zhengzhou, China and we left as a family of four, never to be the same again.
I can't describe what this year has been like. I can't tell you how it felt to watch this little guy change and grow and settle into his family life.
It's hasn't been an easy year, but it has been wonderful in so many ways. I am in awe of this little person. I would not be able to survive the things that he has gone through all on his own, all before the age of 2.
On the day we met, we three knew that he would never have to get used to another place or group of people again- but he did not. We knew all about love- and he would have to learn. We knew the way of this family and he had to guess and fumble his way through. He has faced surgeries this year in addition to getting used to a new family. He has gained so many things but there was loss as well- loss of his birth country, loss of all that was familiar and comforting. He had to start all over again- from scratch. And he did it. He amazes me.
I thank God every moment that I have him. I have no idea what ever possessed me to hurl myself against the bureaucracy of two countries for the honor of being his Mama but I am glad I did.
Adoption is such a blessing. It's tough and trying and wonderful and ... it's just everything. Becoming a parent. Meeting these children and getting to be with them in life, to hold their hands and watch them grow.We are so lucky, Les and I. Lucky to earn the love and trust of children such as these.
Happy First Year Liam. It's all down hill from here buddy.
Here's to this year and all the beautiful years to come.

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