Monday, December 26, 2011

The Verdict Is In

Evelyn has declared this to be, and I quote, "the most awesomest, best ever, most fun, five star Christmas ever!". Her parents agree.
As a parent, you sometimes get these crystal clear flashes of where you are in life, where you are heading, and a complete understanding of how absolutely precious your kids are. I had that this Christmas- nearly the whole time we have been a-Christmasing. I know that I was hyper-aware this year because of Brevin's HSFH- I hope that my awareness lasts. I hope that my heart never dulls and forgets how every single moment with these little people is a priceless gift.
Les filmed a snippet of the kids and I decorating the tree and as I watched it the next day, I was able to view it with that, "Mama's heart vision" and I saw my kids for what they really are: They are these incredibly small, innocent people. They are the magic bringers, the happy times, the things that make life worth living. They are my treasures. That vision also had a bit of a flash forward where I was acutely aware of how brief this time with them really is. I watched as Evelyn pirouetted about with her silver tights bunched up down at her ankles and Liam dropped the same ornament 6 times then tripped over the cat, then got bit by the cat, and my heart swelled inside of me until it hurt. 
Isn't that the best of what Christmas has to offer? That reminder that we are family, that there is love and enjoyment. It's a reminder that the cold and dark days do not last and that even in the darkest hour a few lights and family can awaken Spring in our hearts. 
The thing that I love best of all is that I asked Evelyn if she meant the presents or the tree and she said, "OH! All of it Mama! ALL OF IT! Us together, the cookies, the food, you and Papa, Liam, that bad cat, my cousin just... all of it". She gets it and that makes it easier for me to remember. 

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