Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Cat Is Up A Tree and Dinner Is Burnt Again

We let Billy Bones out for the first time today. He had his perimeter set in about 46 minutes. He had cruised back by the house and stopped for a treat. He was just generally sniffing and minding his own business when a HUGE FREAKING HYPERACTIVE dog caught his scent. 
Then the race was on. 
There was barking and scrambling. 
There was me leaving my sausages frying on the stove to run interception.
So around the house they came, like bats out of hell. They tore around the neighbors shed and Billy headed for the house. At the last second he veered off and went up the tree. But he didn't just climb the tree. Oh no.
He went hell bent for leather SPIRALING two stories up that tree like nothing I have ever seen. 
He's there now. Up the tree. 
And we are left wondering how the hell to get him down.

Here's a picture for scale. You can see Liam at the bottom and a lump at the fork of the big branches. That lump is Billy.

Les says he's not helping because the last time he tired to get one of my cats out of a tree he got his face pissed on.
What to do....

Update: It's 10:03 pm and Billy is down from the tree, stuffing his face with premium tuna. He did not get down alone however, Les did get on the roof and we lured him out a small branch until Les could grab him, crab crawl back across the roof while holding him, hand him off to me (I was on a ladder) and I brought him down the rest of the way. He was a good kitty. Very trusting and not once did he freak out, scratch or piss on anyone. 

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