Friday, January 21, 2011

Sick Beds

...and sick couch and sick floor and .... well, you get the idea methinks.
Friends, we have been laid low by a nasty virus. So nasty in fact that I have nothing but respect left for this thing.
We went to the Outer Banks to see Uncle Mike. And that was fun. BUT, somewhere along the way we came in contact with, "The Virus That Doesn't Exactly Kill But Makes You Wish It Did".
I have never been this sick in my whole life. Never.
At first we thought it was just me (and poor old Uncle Chris) and I was ok with that. There was Les to take care of the kids and I just laid in the dark trying to breathe and not cough and contemplating all the ways my body was aching. Then at some point yesterday, I stumbled down the stairs to witness both kids laying eerily still on the couch. Pale and shaky, hot and listless. And Les was coughing.
We have had headaches that make 6 year olds weep and fevers of nearly 103. We have had copious amounts of various colored snot and phlegm. My chest and guts are so sore from coughing that I am thinking about giving up moving and breathing all together.
Like Les says, it's " like a pathetic combination of a zombie flick and a Helen Keller biography"

So realistically I think we are looking at a solid two weeks to full recovery. If this were historical times, we would be quarantined and shunned. Possibly burnt out. 

Leslie remains the strongest one and I am utterly amazed at his ability to do things like walk upright and use higher math to calculate everyone's next dose of motrin/tylenol/symptom manager.

In other news: I showered today but had to sit cold and wet on the edge of the tub for about 10 minutes to gather the strength to dry off. I am also partaking in such risky behaviors as sleeping with my hands on my face (only my sister will get the dire straights of that one) and eating chocolate ice cream for all three meals.
Liam is currently rolling about in his crib oozing snot and asking for help, why he just won't fall asleep is a mystery for the ages.
Also we are at the very dregs of "family entertainment" and if I have to watch one more sub-par animated piece of crap I just might induce a coma with Children's Vicks 44 - it would take the entire bottle for one my size but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.

1 comment:

  1. Les has been texting me with updates. Please let me know if there's anything you need, and get well quick!
    Uncle Chris is a cranky sick person, and I wish he'd just stay in bed - but NO, he insists on either sitting on our only couch, or staggering around the house trying to "get things done" (alias, getting in my way), while hacking up a lung. I've been going to bed early simply because my living room has been permeated with the "essence of sick". But maybe the extra rest is keeping me well. I'm still standing - for now!
    Aunt Kathryn
