Friday, October 7, 2011

Monarch Tagging

While out yesterday, we noticed a sign that told of Monarch Tagging that would take place near the lighthouse today.  Seeing as we fancy ourselves Amateur Lepidopterists, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to see "butterfly science" up close and personal.
Today we learned about the lifecycle of the Monarch butterfly and what an important role  milk weed plays during the caterpillar stage. We learned that Monarchs are what you call a brush footed butterlfy. We learned how to tell the boys from the girls. We learned about the migratory paths. And we got to see, first hand, Monarch Tagging.
A tiny sticker is placed on each butterfly, right on the underside of a wing, each sticker has it's own i.d. number and this is used to gather scientific information about the Monarchs and how they migrate. Both Ev and Liam got to touch and hold a butterfly, as well as release a recently tagged Monarch back out into the world. We all loved every minute.
After butterfly tagging it was time to run and chase free butterflies out in the field in front of the lighthouse.
Then it was time for some tacos.
We are back home now and settling in for an evening of Classic Star Trek.
Another great day on the books for us.

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