Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Buzz Buzz Buzz

My brain is buzzing today. Maybe it's because I have lain about in a fog for days on end and finally my brain is waking up a bit. Maybe it's because I have been mostly awake since 2:40 am thanks to my sister's stray text waking the sleeping giant next to me in a way that has kept me bemused for hours. Maybe it's because even a broke clock is right twice a day. I don't know.
You know what's coming right?
Yes, lucky reader, you get a preview.

  • Facebook. That torturous thing we can't seem to look away from. I have gone on a recent string of commenting- ok three comments in total- on these posts that are anti-Obama. This has resulted in me realizing that not all people view fb in the way that I do. And I have once again been reminded that people really don't want to discuss politics- they just want to state what they believe and then be left alone. I was thinking that silence was acceptance because that's how the real world works, but on fb- silence is dissent? Yes, that must be it. So I will go back to my silently dissenting ways.
  • Snot Jockeys. Both kids are sick. Nothing major,  just your run of the mill seasonal colds but man, I hate it. Mostly I hate to see them sick and wan, but I also see my doom before me. 
  • Liam. This child and his speech. I love him to death and I would never, ever do anything different than bring him home and love him until he was silly but I had no idea how very delayed his speech would be and what that would mean for our daily lives. I thought I knew. But I didn't really. And it's not for me that I fret, it's for him. he will have another surgery this summer to lengthen his palate and I am already sick at the thought of what this little boy will go through.
  • Time. Les and I were talking the other night about what we want to/need to get done. Let us just say that our year is planned. A year. In the blink of an eye. And my children are growing way, way too fast. 
  • Self awareness. I prefer my 20's to my 30's. In my 20's I was figuring out who I was, how I wanted to be and live. In my 30's I am realizing how I have been wrong about most things in life. This is not a good feeling. I really just want to go back to thinking I was right about everything- it was much easier to sleep back then. Plus my body hadn't betrayed me yet.
There's more. Much more. But there is also school to be done, lunches to be made and then listlessly shoved away after two bites, laundry to do and Valentine's Day surprises to plan. And the cat will need to be let in and then back out again in 35.7 seconds, about 900 times today. And I may even consider getting out of the fleece that is polar sometime in the next 6 hours.                            

Here's a picture or two to make all of that reading worthwhile...

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