Saturday, April 16, 2011

Red Letter Day

Anyone remember THIS?

Well, today he did that AND some.
First:  Notice anything peculiar?
No? Let's look again.

How about from over here?
I am not sure how he accomplishes these things. And let me say that this was neither the first or last "incident" of the day.
Today this child has:

  1. Been caught under my bed and required emergency extraction which, for some reason that is beyond me now, required ME getting partially under the bed as well, while clad in only a t-shirt and panties.
  2.  Been trapped between my antique trunk and my bedroom wall.
  3. He has been trapped as pictured above.
  4. While sitting on the bathroom floor, he leaned over in excitement for something and bunged his forehead on the toilet bowl (ew.), and the recoil sent him sprawling back to bung the back of his head on the bath tub.
  5. He has learned that he, in fact, can not read and walk and talk to mama at the same time. That was another blow to the cranium.
  6. And whilst indulging in some forbidden bed jumping,  a jump went awry and he ended up on his sister's bedroom floor with a floor fan on top of him. This particular incident shook the entire house and made me think he might be possibly, seriously injured when I got to him. He was fine. I, however, was not, as I had to make the full house and stairway dash with a gut full of bean burritos and my heart in my throat. 
His Grandfather has generously offered to buy the fella a bike helmet. That's not a bad idea methinks.


  1. Hee. He sounds a lot like my nephew at his age. Good luck! :)

  2. How cute! Do you think "stop taking pictures of me and get me out of here" is going through his head? LOL
